How To Care For Your Virgin Human Hair Extensions

When you've decided to get Virgin hair extensions,you must come to the right place that can provide you top quality remy human hair.Hair extensions are a wonderful way to add highlights, thickness or simply make your hair longer. All hair extensions need to be cared for properly to extend the life of them,you need to treat them like your own hair.So, here is some tips will help you take the best care of your virgin hair extensions so that they will last a long time.
Use Top Quality Care Products.When you are brushing your hair, be gentle. Without the proper treatment, your hair extensions will get damaged quickly.Treat this hair just as if it was your own hair.Use good quality shampoo and conditioning products to keep your hair soft.Conditioning your hair is very important to keep it soft and manageable, so use leave in conditioners.
Firstly,you need to detangle your brazilian virgin hair from the ends to the roots before shampooing.Don't rub your hair violently,because of this method causing the hair to tangle,so you need to wash your gently from the roots to the ends.
Dry your hair gently, don't rub it with a towel but move in a downward motion from roots to ends. Gently detangle your hair.You can also use products like gel and hair spray to keep the curls in place , but make sure to wash your hair and not leave in these products in for a long time.
Recommended shampoos and conditioners : Pantene PROV For treatment and every day use:Olive Oil Hair Polisher.
Wash with Moisturizing Hair Care Products.Wash your extensions a maximum of 3 times a week with moisturizing hair care products. Because your extensions are not getting natural oils from your scalp to keep your hair in good condition, this will keep the moisture in from shampooing while at the same time not drying them out from over-shampooing .
Use a Heat Protectant .Use a heat protectant on hair extensions to reduce the risk of heat damage whenever you use a heated appliance on your hair.Be careful with the use of blow dryers, flat irons and curling irons. It is best to let your hair dry naturally.the more you use it, the shorter your hair extensions will last.It is best to start at the ends of your hair and when all tangles are removed gently work your way up. Always brush in a downward motion. Brush your hair a few times a day.
Sleeping.Don't sleep on wet hair.When you go to sleep,you need to make sure your hair is completely dry. A good habit is to tie your hair together in a ponytail to prevent tangling as much as possible.
Exercise.It is recommended to wear a swim cap if possible or wear your hair up to keep it out of the water. After swimming it is best to shampoo and condition your hair immediately. In general it is a good habit to wear your hair up or in a ponytail when you exercise
Deep Condition.Once a week, carefully put your extensions in lukewarm water and apply a bit of conditioner all over. Leave for around 20 minutes then rinse and let dry naturally - using a blow dryer will damage them if used too much. If necessary, put the dryer on a cool setting (almost as if it was wind).
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